Monday, September 10, 2007

A study in scarlet

Here are some of the work leading researchers or experts in their fields have been doing.

"A unique study comparing the abilities of human toddlers to chimpanzees and orangutans found that two-year-old children have social learning skills superior to the apes, researchers said " (full article)

Man..! those people must be having some real dumb kids to motivate this kind of study..!

Japanese researchers has found that people who regularly wake up before 5 am faced an added risk of developing heart disease." (full article)

must be my kinda guys who need reasons backed up by science to keep them sleeping late..

Researchers in the US have determined what many of us already knew: women think of long-term relationships while kissing, and men think of sex. " (full article)

Like we needed a study to prove that.!

researchers hit on in the study, in which 1,041 US university students took part, included the fact that men like their kisses wetter and with more tongue contact than women, and that women place more importance than men on the state of their kissing partner's teeth." (full article)

ENLIGHTMENT.!!! btw ..who funds these kind of studies.??? and why..??

Science is confirming what most women know: When given the choice for a mate, men go for good looks. " (full article)

Well done Holmes.!

So these were some of the things that the leading researchers of the world are doing.!! Where do these guys come up with such great research problems..??

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Tale of Two Umbrellas.

something that happened the previous week....
In Mumbai, the place where "it rains cats and dogs" would be an understatement and if you are umbrella less, you are in a heck of a trouble. I had managed to survive with a raincoat, post-ponding buying umbrella due to procrastination and one fine day i struck gold.! (i can't give the date, time or location for obvious reasons).

I had observed this nice umbrella for two days, kept open to dry. Two days must be enough for any umbrella to be dried up of any water particles. Since i was umbrella-less (poor me..!) the devil crept inside and said TAKE IT.!!. I thought, not a bad proposition. Since nobody came to claim the umbrella for two days, apparently it was no longer needed. And here was I, for a needy person, God Himself had put the umbrella. Who am I to refuse God's word. So thus i happily took the umbrella.

The same day few of us friends had planned a trip to somewhere (no details). I had kept my heavenly umbrella on the bicycle carrier. We had to catch a bus to reach our destination. When we boarded the bus i realised that i had forgotten the umbrella in the bicycle itself.!! oh no.! No use of turning back (as the bus had already started). thought, let bygones be bygones. and went ahead with the trip. So, when we reached the destination, and were roaming about, God saw upon me again.!! There near a waiting stand was kept an umbrella. The stand was empty. We were wandering about the spot for half an hour or so. No claimers yet. God wanted me not to get wet, i thought. Must obey. So i did what i had to do. Grabbed the umbrella and went ahead with the day.

When we returned, i rushed to see if the umbrella was still there on the cycle. and behold.! it stood there as it had been left. That's two for the day.. I gave one umbrella to another needy friend of mine thinking, maybe God not only cared for me, but also for my friends.