Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lost keys..

I am a champ, the best.. too good at losing keys. Just this morning i lost one.. DAMN IT.! This might be the 3rd or fourth instance of losing keys in the fast 7-8 months. (that include losing a bunch!) Thats one of my worst fears ..ya i admit it.. losing keys is one of my worst fears. But i guess i am not the lone warrior in this arena. Many of us has the nack of losing them. But sometimes i feel its these stupid keys that keeps wandering off to unreachabe, untrackable areas. But these keys are not alone the nasty trouble makers.. there are a few others too. Some of these coming to my mind are.. hmm

Pens..!(and other stationery like erasers, pencils blah blah..)

n here are some of the things we eventually find i.e. .. after turning the entire house upside down .

the remote (but we do find it. but gives us a hell of a time searching it..!)
watch( now.. where did i keep it..!!)
my cellphone.. where d hell is my cell phone.!

Thats all i can thnk of right now.. I bet there are other things too, just don seem to recall them. But then good ideas can also be put in the list, u lose one.. you really can't find it again..

but thankx to those lost keys.. i got something to write about (kind of an inspiration or rather frustration i should say..). something i had been thinking of doing for the last few weeks. I hope i don need more lost keys to keep me writing.
