A confused fanatic
i hope that this is not my last post. Recollecting the fates of the people who tried to raise their voice against stupidity and irrational thoughts, the only hope for me is that this little blog is not as popular or as penetrative as the other mediums have been. Anything said against them is not just hushed or sidelined, but it is brutally taken out of the picture, never to raise its voice again.
For a person who started his career as a cartoonist expressing anti-migrant sentiments, and has held that view all his life, supported it, raised voice against it, fought for it, made people fight for it, should be empathising when someone else shows similar sentiments for their home-town. First he raged attacks on the Dravidians, then the Aryans, and mind well they were still his countrymen. It really amuses me and boils my blood at the same time when this same fellow then says that the Australian cricketers should be not allowed to enter the country if one is proud of his country and has an ounce of patriotism left in him.
If he feels the anit-migrant feeling he shows are justified, then what the Australians are doing is no different, maybe the degree of displaying hatred maybe not that 'subtle'. I am not trying to justify Australians attacking indians, what irks me is the hypocrisy of this orange coloured mastiff. While doing no real progressive work, all they stand for is against something. Against Tamils, against non-marthi speaking people, against journalists not favouring them, against Muslims, against chirstians, against the cuddling couples, against liberalisation, against the north indians, and now , taking their hatred regime across the international boundaries to Australia. It is like, they are looking for opportunities and situations where they can say, "we oppose this".
For someone who's notions on patriotism and nation pride are obscured, is in no position to patronize it. What they(he and is army) stand for, is someting i don't understand, and sometimes i feel they themselves are not sure.